The Blower Foundation Press is an imprint of the Foundation, laid out in a pamphlet style and made available for public use. The Foundation refers users to the Rights attached to these publications, which rest with the Foundation. Non-commercial uses will be acceptable, as long as any use of the material contained within these publications acknowledges the reserved Rights of all images and text to the Foundation.

The Blower Foundation Brochure

A4 printable brochure (two-sided and foldable)


Volume 1. Aylwin

This monograph covers the life and career of Guy Maxwell Aylwin, an architect of repute working in the Surrey area for the half-century or so after the end of WWI

Coming Soon...

Volume 2. New Uses for Old Buildings

A survey of buildings adapted for re-use in and around the Surrey area over the last half of the 20th C

Coming Soon...

Volume 3. The Courtyards of Farnham

A taxonomy of the byways, passages and alleys of Farnham, with their singular and special character

Coming Soon...

Volume 4. Place, Where the Heart is

A sketchbook of Godalming and its buildings with additional commentary


Volume 5. Castle Street

A survey of Farnham's most important street, the former Via Regia or King's Road first laid out in the 13th C

Coming Soon...